Board Meeting

Thursday, October 15, 2015

In attendance: Hanan Bell, John Dunne, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Linda O'Gara, Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Patricia Shannon-Garvey, and Gennie Winkler

1. Approval of minutes
The minutes from June 17, 2015 and August 22, 2015 were approved.

2. Publicity
Patricia will serve as the Publicity Board Member through the end of the Fall session. She recommended using Quicken to track the donors. The posters are ready for the Fall Concert. She is working on the history of the Symphony and is collecting information from the early members.

3. Membership
The orchestra has a full complement of players. We'll be loosing a bass player next session, so the hunt is on for more of them.

4. Finance update
There is a matching funds donation incentive of $500 before the Symphony members. Some money has already been received. As of October 14, 2015 the checking account is $8,411 and saving account is $5,058.

5. Nominations for Board Members
The positions of Publicity and Membership need filling. Elections for these positions will be held at the General Meeting on November 4, 2015.