In attendance: Hanan Bell, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Linda O’Gara, Kathleen O'Keeffe, Doug Potter, Bruce Sherman, Kim Waggie and Gennie Winkler.
The budget was distributed and discussed. The fees for ASCAP and music rental need to be included in the next year's budget. To continue to meet the budget requirements members will be asked to donate what they can above the membership fee in order to avoid raising dues. The budget was approved.
Grant Status
The grants applications have been sent and we are waiting for the money from the past year's grants to be distributed.
The Lake City Mennonite Church will be sponsoring the homeless between December 2019 and February 2020. There shouldn't be any issues with parking or use of the building. The new sites for the preview concerts are still being sought. The issue is finding a place that can accommodate the size of the symphony. For the winter preview concert the Norse Home will have us back, if we can't find another site. Providence Mount St. Vincent chapel is slated for the fall preview concert, however the travel time is becoming overly burdensome for many of the members.
The music for the fall quarter has been posted. The music from Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra needs to be returned. Teresa will be responsible for this.
The sectional coaches are set for the year. Willie Braun will be the new coach for the cello section. The cello sectional will meet at the Wedgwood Community Church.
There were 67 members spring quarter. For this year we will need more percussion players, trombonists and bass players.
Concerts flyers will be made for distribution to Lake City businesses. They will be for posting in their windows or on their announcement boards. A digital program with a link would be useful. It could improve the members publicizing the concerts. A business card would be useful for recruiting. It could be handed out to potential members.
1. The symphony may need to help with the MCNW with their insurance costs. The symphony board will need to reserve a room for our meetings. Some suggested improvements to rehearsal hall included lighting and sound.
2. The use of a microphone by the conductor was brought up, but having the symphony members not chat between playing and having the conductor use a more projecting voice might be the solution.
3. Updated photos for the website are needed.
4. To improve venue set-up and take down perhaps we should hire a production manager. His/her tasks could include watching the cash box and serving as a production manager.
One Year Action Plan
1. Identify alternative venues for preview concerts -- Kim
2. Increase the number of string basses -- have Anna as a coach to get her to encourage more--Gennie
3. Keep dues low and encourage contributions -- Doug, Bruce
4. Maintain and improve relations with MCNW -- Doug
5. Continue to track attendance, get pictures, and watch donation box -- Bruce and Madeleine?
6. Document job descriptions for Board members except for those who completed it -- everyone
7. Recruit a person to do surveys at end of year -- Doug
8. Increase publicity to increase attendance -- Kathleen and Madeleine
9. Fix the mailing list problems -- Doug
10. Find a house manager for venue setup, tear down, and minding the cash box - research the cost and document the duties -- Doug
Five Year Action Plan
1. Have a full orchestra - looking for basses
2. Increase attendance at concerts - use Lake City Businesses as advertising sites
3. Better member participation in the orchestral operations
4. Increase funding network
5. Future plans - continue to be true to our mission improve our repertoire
6. Improve rehearsal space - sound and lighting
The next board meeting will be held Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at MCNW.