In attendance: Madeline Beery, Hanan Bell, Charlotte Hotchkiss, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Doug Potter, Bruce Sherman, Gennie Winkler
Approval of Minutes
The March 10, 2021 Board Meeting Minutes were approved as amended.
Summary of Current Groups
In-person Wednesday Night group has 13 people participating. They are playing at the Music Center of the Northwest (MCNW) where Teresa is directing them through two pieces. It has been great to be back together and to have a conductor. There might be a possibility of playing a concert at the MCNW. We would have to get approval from Chas Arnold, the Executive Director.
The Thursday study group has nine people gathering and it is going well. They have been playing three pieces and doing some score study. They are also using performances on YouTube to play along with. This is more satisfying than playing along with one person while the others are muted.
Bruce's quartet has been working on the same piece since last fall. They have recorded themselves, but they are not ready for prime time yet.
Steve's group generally has nine people joining. They feel that the more they play, the better they get at using the software. They have found that using Jamulus helps learn the basic music, but it doesn't allow for musical nuances. This has to be accomplished in person. Steve and his wife have done a great job bringing this group together.
In Nancy's wind group there are about nine people. They continue to work on on pieces by Gounod, Reinecke, and Mozart.
The woodwind trio, now a quartet, has been working on Bach. They meet weekly using Jamulus.
Brass group consists of three to four people playing with Jamulus.
For all of the groups it has been a great experience getting to know people from other sections of the orchestra. It has brought the groups together.
State of the Treasury - Bruce
The Symphony currently have $31,803 on hand. We have spent more than we have taking in, but we are still doing well. We are waiting to receive money from the City of Seattle and King County. The PPP loans will be forgiven.
Grant Status and Fundraising - Madeline and Jackie
Madeline is working on the payment voucher for the City of Seattle and King County grants. We are receiving $2,100 King County's 4Culture grant and $500 from Seattle's Arts and Culture grant. The Seattle's Arts and Culture grant for the next go-round will be $695.
Publicity and Website Updates - Charlotte
Charlotte will be working on the website during the summer. The goal is to make the website more accessible to mobile devices. Peter Klein is going to learn the technical side of the website backing up Doug.
End of this Quarter Plans - Virtual Concert?
A virtual concert is a possibility. There would be technical issues to overcome. Doug will speak with Chas about having an in person concert at the MCNW. The audience maybe up to 20 additional people.
Schedule for Next Season
The schedule for next season will follow the same calendar structure as in years past. There will be 10 rehearsals once a week with the exception of the forth week when sectionals will be held. A preview concert might not be possible because of the pandemic and venue issues. The concert will be held the week following the preview concert with the exception of the Fall concert which will be the week after Thanksgiving.
Next Season's Music - Teresa
Goal is to gently reentry to playing together. Fall Quarter pieces will be by Bach, Mozart, Suppé, and Grieg, for Winter quarter Wagner and Hayden and for Spring quarter Bernstein and Lalo. The first rehearsal is scheduled for September 8th at 7:30 pm.
Early Fall Social Event - Gennie
The purpose of the social event would be to gather family and friends in a post-quarantine reunion. Some of the current groups could perform. Cupcakes and refreshments could be served. The proposed date is Wednesday, August 25, 2021 7:30 pm. Gennie will look for an outdoor pavilion to have the reunion at. Doug will send out an email inviting the Symphony members.
Next Meeting - Annual Retreat - Sunday, August 15, 2021
The retreat will be held at Doug Potter's house at 3:00 pm. There will be a potluck dinner afterwards. Please bring a dish to share.