In attendance: Hanan Bell, John Dunne, Teresa Metzger-Howe, Koko Morgan, Kathleen O'Keefe, Doug Potter, Dana Rosenbladt, Bruce Sherman, and Gennie Winkler
The minutes for December 9, 2015 were approved as amended.
Kathleen O'Keefe was officially voted in as the Publicity Director. She has the Publicity binder to assist her with the details for the Winter concert publicity.
The membership list is up-to-date on the Symphony's website.
A coach will be provided for a Bass sectional for Spring quarter.
For the Norse Home performance we will try to utilize the area as best we can. Bruce will note which tables go where and supervise the moving of them.
Elizabeth Shaw has agreed to be the greeter for the concerts.
Matching funds-$ 200 has been given towards the match thus far.