Rain City Symphony Board Meeting
February 5, 2014
In attendance: George Fichter, John Dunne, Dana Rosenbladt, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Theresa Metzger-Howe, Gennie Winkler, Hanan Bell, Lindsey Harris
Financial Report:
• For membership this quarter, we have $3200 total ($2,750 in dues and $450 in donations from members)
• Currently we have $7,787.51 in checking and $5,056.13 in savings
Instrument Inventory:
• John will approach JoAnn about purchasing her bell set.
• If JoAnn is interested in selling, we will get them appraised before buying.
• Gennie will inquire with Lake City Pres about hosting a full orchestra rehearsal in the space for the 2nd or 5th rehearsal of Spring Quarter
• Gennie will first schedule a meeting to discuss possibilities for storage space in the venue – none available at this point, that we know of – will approach idea of constructing storage space.
• The rehearsal space does have a kitchen, for the record.
• 55 people registered and paid
• A few members cannot continue: Kat Pak, Bill Goldwyn
• Doug may redesign the front page of the website, to make the due expectation more prominent/up front.
• John is sending invoice to 4Culture to collect funds
• John hasn’t heard about grant from Office of Arts & Culture yet.