Rain City Symphony Board Meeting
May 7, 2014
In attendance: Dana Rosenbladt, Linda O’Gara, Doug Potter, Theresa Metzger-Howe, Gennie Winkler, Hanan Bell, Lindsey Harris, John Dunne
February Minutes approved
June meeting will be June 18th at Doug’s house
Facebook and website:
• Tabling for now, since Jessica is blocked from creating an account because she is not keen on using her own email address for the group page.
• We should encourage members to post concert announcements on their own facebook pages and create events to invite friends.
• Kyle, may get involved in design of website, if he chooses to collaborate with Doug.
Next year’s schedule:
• Doug has created next year’s schedule (the framework of dates).
• Dates were approved by all.
Treasurer’s report:
• We have $1,463.21 in checking and $5,056.38 in savings.
• We might buy a bell set or baffles/storage space for new rehearsal venue
• We are $1,500 down on income, but with the new 4Culture grant money, we are ahead, not losing money.
• We are ahead on dues, according to the budget.
Rehearsal Venue:
• Goals for new space were improved space, storage and sound.
• Space is vastly better. Many people really enjoyed it.
• Storage space would likely be at least twice what we have currently.
• We need estimate of cost to build storage space. Irv (from the church) or Bruce to do estimate? Linda and Bruce available to build storage on volunteer basis and Irv at church is okay with that.
• We could get grant money to pay for portable baffles, but not to build storage space in the church.
• Sound: For Theresa, she is able to hear some individual sections much better, but it is so live that it may be hard to fix balance issues. Some folks complained about loud brass/ringing ears. Would portable baffles help? Not sure, but the board members voted that they are okay with the sound, 7-1.
• Baffles report: Only idea from expert would be perhaps putting Theresa in corner to eliminate some muddiness. The portable baffles available may not help the sound, according to the baffle salesman that Gennie talked to. We would need to look into more acoustic product ideas.
• Gennie and Doug will sit down with Irv to discuss details of price, mitigation, etc.: We haven’t seen a cost proposal yet at Lake City Presbyterian. We also don’t know how short the lease is. (John says that many sign 3-5 year leases.) We would also want a 3-5 year lease.
• We will likely make the final decision at the June board meeting. We should tell Wedgewood Church by July 1st.
Concert Venues:
• We might end up dropping Norse Home last year.
• Theresa will check out University House as potential venue.
• We will get $2,100 from 4Culture. We might ask them for more money to cover potential higher rent next year.