Board Minutes for 2/8/2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RCS Meeting of the Board of Directors

February 8, 2012

Wedgewood Community Church


In attendance:

Doug Potter

John Dunne

Lindsey Harris


Gennie Winkler




Theresa Metzger Howe

Dana, Vice President


Old Business:

December minutes – one correction and approved.


New Business:


Treasury Report:

      Total in accounts is over $8,000, so we should have the revenue to cover our budget.  Only place potentially lacking is in grants, but we know that.

      We need to break down donations vs. dues so that we can give receipts for all non-member donations AND member donations.

      Doug will give Madeline email form for donation receipts.

      We help people monetarily if need be for registration (typically one or 2 people per quarter).  Membership Dir. can quietly give partial scholarships as needed.



      Didn't get $750 grant renewed from Arts & Culture.  Increased number of orchs. And choruses applying, and we came out on the bottom of the group.  More clearly define mission of group and the uniqueness of the mission in the community.  We need to do more outreach to develop our audience.  Good that we had a balanced budget.  Idea: we serve a need for players and we should use player testimonials from orchestra member surveys.

      Other grants: We should get a 4Culture check (or we already did and it may have went into last fiscal year?). King FM grant a possibility? 

      Ideas to further publicity efforts for concert: email listserv?, sandwich board or venue at entrance to concert venue (day of or a few days in advance).  Sheri will look into it.  King FM. 

      To improve quality of playing: pass out pieces for the next concert at the previous concert so that people can rehearse,


Concert Venues:

      Gennie: University Church venue – some say that it is hard to hear or they cannot see Theresa.  More specific questions about quality of venues should be asked on the annual survey monkey.


Space at Wedgwood Community Church:

      There's nothing that can really be done, according to Bruce at the church.  Biggest problem: the tympani are not secure.  Doug will follow up with the church.