Rain City Symphony
Board Meeting
Dec. 7, 2011
Present: Maria Akimoto, Gennie Winkler, Carol Horowitz, Cari Sutton, Doug Potter (host), Teresa Metzger Howe, Lindsey Harris, Alan Shaw, and Svetlana Gladycheva. Absent: Cheri Paulin, Dana Rosenbladt, and Madeline Beery.
The meeting was brought to order by Maria A. at 6:39 PM.
The minutes of the June and Sept. Board meetings, the special membership meeting and the annual membership meeting were all approved.
Venues: Gennie stated that Christa did not pan out. She and Teresa visited Anderson Plaza in Shoreline and announced that we will play there for the Winter quarter prelude concert (March). Gennie also visited Josephinum, low-income housing located downtown with 14 floors of housing. These folks dont have the opportunity to hear, let alone, attend concerts, even though theyre only a few blocks from Benaroya. Teresa will visit Josephinum to evaluate the space (huge lobby with high marble ceilings) and make a determination. Everyone agreed that, if feasible for our Spring prelude concert, it would be a great venue for our community service. Parking may be an issue, but Macys is around the corner and the neighborhood has parking lots ($6 evening).
Membership: Carol stated that we had 57 members for Fall quarter a record. 53 members paid, 2 were on scholarship and 1 was no pay. Carol requested that the board establish policies for scholarships and members who do not have to pay dues. Currently, only Teresa, as conductor, can offer a player to play for free. Gennie stated that we should publish our policies on the website. Carol will draft language and submit to the board for review.
Treasurer: Doug Potter presented the Treasurers report. Gennie announced that we raised $1,200 for UCEF! If we can raise half that amount at our concerts, we should be in good shape. He discussed the deficit which is primarily due to the funds contributed to purchase the timpani. The insurance for the timpani is too expensive to purchase on our own; he will approach the church to inquire if the church would put the timpani on their policy and RCS would reimburse for the difference in the premium.
Librarian: Cari Sutton indicated that she has had little to do as librarian this past Q. The storage of the timpani is an issue because of the crowding in the storage room and difficulty accessing the space. Aki A. will contact the church administrator and church facilities manager to discuss this issue and to look at possible solutions.
Music director: Teresa has been discussing the possibility of a joint concert with the choir headed by Joanne Christian.
Vice President: Dana Rosenbladt expressed an interest in being VP. Alan talked about the sectionals, including the percussionists. There will be a need for four percussionists which would justify having a sectional. He will confirm the locations of the sectionals and section leaders before turning the duties over to the new VP. The next Board members will serve either a one or two year term. John, Doug , Cheri, and Cari will serve one year terms. Dana, Svetlana, Gennie, Lindsey, and Madeline will serve for two years. Doug agreed to be Pres. and cont. as Web master , and Madeline will be proposed as Treas., pending her acceptance. Cari will cont. as Librarian, Svetlana will take over as Membership Chair, Gennie will cont. as Venue Coordinator, Cherie will cont. as Publicity Chair, Lindsey agreed to be Sec. and to assist Cheri with online advertising, Dana will be Vice President and House Manager, and John will continue with Grants and Development. The new Board members assume their positions on Jan 1, 2012.
Action items: Doug and Aki will meet with the Churchs administrator and facilities manager to discuss the timpani insurance problem and the storage space issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.