Board of Directors Meeting
June 8, 2011
Present: Marie Akiyama, Pres., Douglas Potter, Treas., John Dunne, Sec., Carol Horowitz, Cheri Paulin, Gennie Winkler; ex officio, Teresa Metzger Howe, music director
Absent: Alan Shaw, Vice Pres., Carrie Sutton
Meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm
The minutes with an addendum and corrections were approved. The April minutes need to have the amendment about purchasing the bass drum. There was also an email vote approving the contract with the Wedgwood Church for the coming year.
1. Discussion of Teresas contract and compensation. GW proposed increasing her compensation to $190/ service. JD noted that both funding organizations have notified him that we cannot count on receiving the same amounts in the awards for the coming year. Moved, seconded and passed unanimously. Also discussed whether to give TMH a bonus and, if so, how much. Agreed, with one absention, to give her a bonus of $350 for the 2010-11 year.
2. Discussed the scholarship situation. During the past year only three scholarships of $25 were given. Discussed how to promote the scholarships. Sponsorships were also discussed. CH will investigate and propose a policy for scholarships.
3. Discussion of venue for the coming year. Discussed pros and cons of the University Christian Church and the University Unitarian Church. The UCEF had done the promotion for the Dec 2010 concert at the UUC which drew such a large crowd. All agreed that the acoustics at UCC were excellent but problematic at UUC. Discussed the possibility of using the homeless situation in the U Dist. as a marketing tool by partnering with an org that provides services for the homeless. Also discussed venues for preview concerts. Norse Home is a problem because the attendance is so small. GW will look for an alternative to the Norse Home. Agreed that it would be good to have a single venue eventually. GW will research both issues further and attempt to have a single venue at the UCC, if possible. Budget for venue increased to $1000.
4. Schedule for the next season. TMH raised request to add an extra rehearsal for the winter cycle. That would push the spring cycle back a week with the concert on June 6. Agreed. Also discussed the possibility of playing the fall concert on the Wed prior to Thanksgiving but the Board declined.
5. The 2011-2012 proposed budget was discussed, including the changes just approved. The proposed budget estimates a loss of $750 against the reserve of $6821. The current accounting for the 2010-2011 year currently shows a deficit of $2391 but the payment from 4Culture of $2000 and the matching grants from Boeing and Microsoft, which will eliminate the rest of the deficit. Membership dues will not be raised at this time but may be revisited if one of the larger grants does not materialize. Approval by acclamation.
6. Membership was at its highest level this past season, with a peak of 61 during the winter cycle. The printed brochure is not effective in recruiting new members. Word of mouth has been much more effective. Also looked at our poor visibility on the web.
7. Repertoir proposal was released by the music director, TMH. Talked about the choice of symphony, Robert Schumans Symphony No. 1 as the season long project. Discussed the role of ensembles prior to the orchestral concert. TMH was disappointed in the performance of the horn quartet but does not want to audition ensemble groups who want to play, but will remind the orchestra that ensembles need to be well prepared. She will not have an ensemble prior to the spring concert because of the length and because the other pieces fit so well together musically. Passed unanimously.
8. Restructuring the Board and the meeting schedule was discussed. JD proposed adding two new Board members: one for development and one for volunteer coordinator. DP proposed a position in charge of social functions. Some suggested that the volunteer coordinator and social director should be the committee level, rather than on the Board. Discussed staggered durations of two year terms. The Board will propose altering the Bylaws to expand the Board to nine members and to elect Board members to two years staggered terms with the Board electing officers for one year terms among its members. The motion was passed by a vote of 3-2 with one absention. The Boards intention is to add a volunteer coordinator and a social coordinator. Discussed the frequency of Board meetings vs. doing more business by email. Agreed to to start meeting twice each cycle, beginning with the fall cycle.
9. Discussed having another Board Retreat. All agreed that it would be helpful. The date of Aug 20 has been selected. Cheri Paulin volunteered her home in Paulsbo for the Retreat.
10. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.