Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
January 21, 2009
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Bruce Finlayson Vice President
Cari Sutton Librarian
Doug Potter Treasurer
Margaret Bustion Venue
Julie Gerrard Publicity
Carol Horowitz Membership
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
October meeting minutes were approved with corrections.
The treasurer presented a summary of income and expenses through 1-19-09. The summary did not include membership dues collected during the first two weeks of winter quarter because they have not been deposited yet.
Purchase of a CD using savings account funds has not been completed as advised last board meting due to unfavorable rate of return at this time but may be perused at a later date.
There were 35 quarterly dues paying members as of the 2nd week of rehearsals as well as several volunteers for break refreshments. A total of $1350.00 has been collected in dues thus far in winter quarter and $125.00 was received from orchestra member donations.
RCS owes Beth Shalom a $100.00 deposit to use the facility and $50.00 has been paid to secure the venue.
Work on the current quarter publicity items is in progress.
The music library inventory is currently well organized at this time with no additional work needed.
Vice President
A collection of past concert programs is available for storage with RCS. There was a discussion of where to store them. One option may be to scan the material for electronic archival or alternately, store hard copies with music library collections if there is room in the file cabinet.
Scores for Berlioz were obtained from the Midsummer Music library to avoid the cost of music rental from the Thalia library. Tuba and trumpet guest players have been invited to play the final rehearsal and winter concert events.
Donation box funds were discussed. Board members will attempt to limit accumulation of cash to $20.00 and suggested that proceeds be used to pay for consumable supplies used by the orchestra at break time.
Recommendations for cleanup of the kitchen after rehearsal were discussed and a policy statement will be drafted to encourage volunteers to participate in cleanup after rehearsal.
The President attended the Jan12, 09 Seattle City Council meeting to speak for our Seattle Arts and Culture Grant.
Prior to the board meeting, a vote by E-mail was conducted and a quorum of board members voted to add a meeting on April 22 to fulfill organization guidelines.
The April 1 board meeting will be used to discuss the conductors contract.
Carol Horowitz offered to investigate writing a grant for the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
There was a question from a board member about why we need grant funds over and above membership dues. The reply was that recent years have seen increased costs for the conductor�s salary and sectional coach fees that had the effect of drawing down of the reserve savings account.
Next Meeting Feb. 18, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Plesha
RCS Secretary