Rain City Symphony
Meeting of the Board of Directors
November 12, 2008
Attending Officers:
Kathy Lillie President
Bruce Finlayson Vice President
Cari Sutton Librarian
Natasha Close Treasurer
Gita Gilvydis Publicity
Carol Horowitz Membership
Teresa Metzger Howe Conductor
Paul Plesha Secretary
October meeting minutes were approved.
Copies of the projected annual budget were distributed and there was a general discussion of budget trends this year and in previous years. Due to increased costs for sectional coaches and conductor stipend, overall costs are increased compared to previous budget years however increased membership and increased grant money and donations have offset increased costs to some extent.
The RCS savings account containing approximately $5000.00 is not currently needed for projected annual expenses so the suggestion was made to investigate placing some savings account funds in a short-term CD account. The board recommended that the treasurer investigate various options for purchasing a CD with $4000.00 of the savings account funds.
The treasurer filed form 990N with the IRS.
There were 55 quarterly dues paying members and about 50 musicians regularly attending rehearsal this quarter.
Winter quarter dress rehearsal concert will be held at the Lake City Community Center and the UCEF benefit concert winter quarter will be held at Beth Shalom venue.
A new program was distributed that included seasonal artwork in color. Additional copies will be available at the rehearsal concert and on the web site.
The music library inventory is currently well organized at this time with no additional work needed.
Vice President
Using a personal collection of past concert programs, we are reconstructing a record of music played by the RCS throughout it�s history. The results will be archived on the RCS website.
The suggestion was made to add rehearsal time in the spring quarter by extending the season one week into June. Orchestra musicians will be asked to vote on the issue of extending the spring season one week at the general meeting.
A general meeting of all musicians will be held at the rehearsal break. Members will vote on the slate of officers for next year. A request will also be made for help cleaning up the kitchen area after each rehearsal.
Audience attendance totals are needed to comply with conditions of the 4-Culture grant so a volunteer will be chosen to take attendance at the concerts.
Advertisement for new musicians will be posted on Craig�s list again and updated with specifics after the first winter season rehearsal.
Music marking (bowing) is being completed for winter qtr. music.
Report deadlines: IRS Form 1099 for conductor salary due Jan 31.
Washington State Annual Report due Feb 28.
Next Meeting Jan 21, 2009
Respectfully submitted,
Paul Plesha
RCS Secretary