Rain City Symphony Board Meeting Minutes:
Wednesday, June 11th, 2008
Location: Kathy Lillie's House
Board members in attendance:
I. Treasurer's Report (Natasha)
A. Total donations: $373.17
1. $300 from Petter family
2, $73.17 from donation box + kitchen box
3. Proposal to name $ from Petter family in their name - perhaps use for music rental
B. $200 surplus in bank statement; should break even for year
II. Membership Report (sent by Cheryl)
A. Discussion of changing the half-price first-timers fee to full-price for fall.
Suggestion to have a three-week trial period for new comers and then payment of full dues.
B. Mention the $50 dues in the Craigslist announcement
C. Scholarship $ available if anyone has trouble paying dues
III. Venue Report (Cari)
A. Job description to be sent to Margaret: seek out/find appropriate venues, know space requirements, number of chairs required, work 6 months in advance
B. Discussion of fundraiser for charity at Wedgwood and whether should continue doing this. Discussion of new location and attempt to increase audience.
IV. Publicity Report (Gita)
A. Continue with local advertisements for concerts
B. Tickets seem to be good idea for concerts
C. Make brochures for fall season
V. Library (Cari)
A. Most music has been returned
B. One additional person needed for few hours to help organize
C. Discussion of not allowing new members to take music home until they commit to orchestra/pay dues
D. Cari and Teresa to go over music and clean out copies
VI. VP Report (Bruce)
No specific comments for this meeting.
VII. Conductor (Teresa)
A. Discussion of guest players' policy:
i. See who we get for orchestra via Craigslist and brochures
ii. If guest players are needed, Teresa will invite guest players three rehearsals before the open dress rehearsal. If Teresa does not have guest player available, orchestra members can give suggestions.
iii. Teresa must be the one gauging which parts need filling
B. Discussion of upcoming anniversary year for RCS - Teresa would like to highlight this fact in next season, perhaps by choosing one 20th Century piece to perform per concert.
C. Review of music selections for the next year
VIII. President (Kathy)
A. Grants:
i. King County: no news, probably not receiving grant money
ii. Seattle Arts: more material requested, large application, no news as of board meeting
B. Venues/Concerts: Suggestion to have a 'house manager' for: welcoming people, counting people, collecting $, handing out programs
C. Photos: need current photos for website; email request to be sent out; note to ask Letitia's family for photos
D. Venues for 2008-09
i. Fall: Norse Home, Faith Lutheran
ii. March: Emergency Fund concert, Beth Shalom
iii. May: Four Freedoms, St. Andrews