Audrey Chen
Audrey Chen, a junior at Interlake High School, began playing the cello in fourth grade with Mr. Kai Chen. She has been the principal cellist of the Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra since 2010. For the past three years she has distinguished herself in the Performing Arts Festival of the Eastside and the Seattle Young Artists Music Festival, and she has placed in the very top for the past two years at the Washington State Solo and Ensemble Contest. Audrey’s experiences as a soloist include performing with the Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Eastside Symphony, and the Sammamish Symphony. Recently, Audrey was selected to participate in the National Symphony Orchestra Summer Music Institute, where she won the concerto competition and soloed with the Summer Institute Orchestra on the Kennedy Center concert hall stage. In addition to playing the cello, Audrey enjoys fencing and playing the piano. Audrey plays on a French Buthod cello on generous loan from the Carlsen Cello Foundation.